
For married couples:

Would you like to join the Catholic Engaged Encounter ministry?

Engaged Encounter is one of the most wonderful ministries. It brings together people who love married life, who love their church and who want to help young couples to see the blessing that God has given us in marriage. The Catholic Engaged Encounter community needs the assistance of married couples who believe in the commitment, wonder and challenge of life within the Sacrament of Marriage and who are willing to share their gifts with those planning to marry in the Catholic Church.

In asking you to share this ministry with us, we are offering you a special opportunity to help others.
Such involvement strengthens our own relationships and is a very rewarding and enriching experience.

Prayer couples…

  • Pray for a couple making an engaged encounter weekend,
  • Or pray for the team presenting to the engaged couples on the weekend.

Hosting couples or family…

  • welcome the arriving couples, help with their luggage – escort them to their rooms and make them comfortable before the first talk of the weekend (Friday evening at the Michaelite Retreat House), etc.

Supply couples or family…

  • Purchase supplies for the weekend, some groceries, beverages and other supplies as requested

Caterers and clean up crew…

  • Saturday and Sunday meals, preparation and serving
  • Kitchen clean up help.

Presenting Couples:

Through personal sharing, the members of the presenting team talk about what the Sacrament of Matrimony means to them individually and the impact a great marriage can have on the world. We do not tell the engaged couples how to live their lives. Our stories are meant to encourage them to explore their own attitudes and expectations. We will offer some good ideas and tools to help the two of them to continue growing closer through the years. As a presenting couple, your talks are prepared with the help of a team couple. We do not memorize our talks, we read them (which may make it easier for you to try this!)

Technology Support:

  • For Virtual weekends, moderators are required to time presentations, confirm all couples are present, run power point & music. This background work helps maintain the retreat atmosphere of the weekend.
  • Computer and Internet troubleshooting as necessary for the Team and Engaged couples. Being available via chat to handle questions.

Please consider prayerfully to become a part of this ministry. This ministry will strengthen future marriages as well as your own. There are opportunities for community support and fellowship, spiritual growth, to work on your own relationship with each other, and with God; and the joy of giving.

If you would like to know more about CEE please call Terry and JoAnne Burrell at 519 542-8826 or
email joanne@ceelondon.ca